We ONLY accept returns on Non-Perishable items which generally includes items from our Home Décor Collection. Non-perishable items may be returned for any reason within 10 days of receipt of the shipment provided the items are returned undamaged with the original packing materials. Returned merchandise is subject to a 25% restocking fee and associated shipping charges are non-refundable.

All return shipping costs are the responsibility of the returner unless the item is deemed defective or damaged. If you have received a damaged or defective item, please contact our Customer Service Team for assistance. Our team is dedicated to working with you to make things right! You can reach us by email here, or give us a call at 1-888-426-0781 Option 1.

When contacting us, please have the shipment number ready, which you will find printed at the bottom of the address label on the outside of the box. It is called Reference No.2 and starts with "CS". If you have already discarded the box, we can also use your address to find it.


Lynch Creek Farm

ATTN: Returns Dept

130 E Export Rd

Shelton WA 98502

To prevent delays with processing your return, please be sure to write down Reference No.1 and Reference No.2 from bottom of the carrier's shipping label (image shown above) on a piece of paper, OR, include a printed copy of your order with your return.

Once we receive your return, we will contact you to determine the appropriate form of reimbursement minus the 25% restocking fee and associated shipping charges (which are non-refundable).